How To Find Players?

Finding players is the same for all commands, regardless of what command you are using.
Here you learn how to find players using Royale Alchemist.


In examples below, replace !command with any command of your choice that accepts finding players. For example !command could be !deck, !rank, !pb, !chests or ...

Streamer Accounts

  • If you want streamer's first account, you don't need to enter anything:
  • If you want streamer's next accounts, enter the account number. For example for streamer's 3rd account:
!command 3


!command 0 will show info of the last active account of the streamer.

With Player Name

  • If you want to find a play with his name, you can immediately enter the player name after the command.
    For example for a player named SergioRamos:
!command SergioRamos


All names can be case-insensitive, space-insensitive and accent-insensitive.
This mean all these will work: !command Sergio Ramos, !command sergio ramos, !command sErgiò ràMos.
If a player's name is popular, you should enter the exact same name to help Royale Alchemist.

With Player Name and Clan

  • If there are too many players with the same name, you'll need to enter clan name as well using clan:/c:.
    For example if a player is named Morten and is in clan SK Free2Play:
!command Morten clan: SK Free2Play
  • If the player has no clan, you can just enter no clan. Assuming the player is named Boss:
!command Boss c: no clan


Chinese, Russian, Arabic and Latin are special words and indicate the language in which the names are written.
As a note, the bot can't differentiate between Chinese/Japanese/Korean names and you can enter whichever you want.

  • If a player has a Chinese name and is in clan Shiganshina:
!command chinese clan: Shiganshina
  • You can enter those special words for clan names too.
    Assuming the player is named The Goat and is in an Arabic clan:
!command The Goat c: arabic

With Tournament

  • You can find players of a tournament by entering the tournament name.
    Assuming the player is named Mohamed Light and is in tournament CRL 2022 #8:
!command Mohamed Light tourney: CRL 2022 #8
  • You can enter the tournament #tag as well.
    Assuming the player is named Ramzies and is in a tournament with #tag #V8JPLU:
!command Ramzies toruney: #V8JPLU

With Player Tag

  • You can find players using their player tag.
    Assuming the player has the player tag #YJPPGL00:
!command #YJPPGL00

"Next" Players


Only commands that have the Nexts players mentioned, support this.

  • If You want the a player mentioned in the —— Nexts: section of a command, you just need to add the number behind player name to the command.

For example if you use !pb Bale, you might get this response:

TQ Bale (aka Bale)'s personal best is 8315 🏆. Their best season was on 2021-07, with rank #70 and 8315 🏆. —— Nexts: 2: Mini Bale

Now if you want Mini Bale's pb, you can do !pb Bale 2. 2 is the same number as the number behind player's name in Nexts: 2: Mini Bale.

Name Length Filter

  • If you can't properly write player name/clan-name, you can use the name-length filter to help the bot find the player.
    Using this filter, the bot will only find players with the name provided length:/len:.
    For example if a player has a Japanese name 一ノ瀬ちづる that has a length of 6, and is in clan JAPAN☆TOWER:
!command japanese len: 6 clan: JAPAN TOWER


You can enter len: for clan name too. Just enter it after clan:.