
!crcommands [action] [name] [command]
!crcmd [action] [name] [command]

What Does it do?

Using this command you can make new aliases to Royale Alchemist's existing commands.
You can also change how the default Royale Alchemist commands work.


You need to be a moderator to use these commands.


  • To see a list of current aliases and disabled commands:

Add/Edit/Remove a Normal Alias

  • Add an alias with name !to1 to !torank 1 command:
!crcommands add !to1 !torank 1

In above example, every time users type !to1 in chat, Royale Alchemist will take actions related to the !torank 1 command.

  • Edit a previously made alias which is called !to1:
!crcommands edit !to1 [new_command]
  • Remove a command alias which is named !to1.
!crcmd remove !to1


See below for changing/editing default Royale Alchemist commands like !deck and rank.

Expiration Time Modifier

  • You can add an expiration time to Any command by adding expires:/expiresIn: followed by a time amount.
!crcmd add !rankSecondAccount !rank #VPU8G expiresIn: 2 hours

If you don't provide a time amount, the bot will default to 1 hour.

Access Level Modifier

In case you want to restrict command usage to only some viewers, you can use the accessLevel: flag.
Current valid access levels are mod/vip/sub/all.


The default access level is the same as the global access level of the stream.

  • You can add an access level to Any command by adding accessLevel:/al: followed by a valid access level.
!crcmd add !pbMohamedLight !pb #G9YV9GR8R accessLevel: vip

Edit and Change Default Commands


Command aliases added by moderators have priority over the default commands.
This means if you add a command alias with the same name of a default Royale Alchemist command, the bot will always prioritize the command you've added.

  • You can change access level of a default Royale Alchemist command alongside all its corresponding values.
!crcmd add !deck al: vip all:

This will take effect on All commands like !deck, !decks or !mazo.
Using all: is recommended.

  • You can change access level of a single default Royale Alchemist command:
!crcmd add !deck al: vip

This will only take effect on the !deck command and won't affect the !decks or !mazo commands.

Disable/Enable Default Commands

  • Disable one of the default Royale Alchemist commands alongside its corresponding values:
!crcmd disable !rank all:

This will disable !rank as well as all commands equivalent to !rank. For example, none of the following commands will work anymore: !rank, !trophies, !copas, !pokale, !platz
This wont stop you from making and using your own aliases of the command.

  • Disable one of the default Royale Alchemist commands:
!crcmd disable !rank

Other aliases of the !rank command, like !trophies and !pokale will still work after still command.

  • Enable Streamer-Only mode for commands. Using this settings, The bot will always try to return info about one of the streamer accounts, and no one else.
!crcmd disable non streamer
  • Disable ALL non-moderation Royale Alchemist commands:
!crcmd disable all

You can then set command aliases to only the few commands you'd like to use.

  • Enable one of the default Royale Alchemist commands, after you disabled it:
!crcmd enable !rank
  • Enable responding to non-streamer commands, if you have disabled them:
!crcmd enable non streamer
  • Enable ALL non-moderation commands, after you disabled them using the disable all command:
!crcmd enable all

Show Existing Commands

  • You can see the info of any existing command by using !crcmd show. For example if you have a command alias named !rankMort, you can use the following command:
!crcmd show !rankMort

Cooldown Modifier

  • You can increase the cooldown factor of any command. The entered value will multiply the current cooldown of the commands. Entered value must be a decimal number between 1 and 12. Default is 1.
!crcmd add !rankJP !rank IAmJP cooldown: 2.5

Dynamic Modifier


A Dynamic command alias supports processing values entered after it.
A non-Dynamic command alias will always ignore whatever extra input is entered for it.
All aliases are Dynamic by default.

  • You can make a command not-dynamic by adding dynamic: false.
!crcmd add !rankMort !rank SK Morten dynamic: false

After using dynamic: false, all these below commands will become the same:
!rankMort, !rankMort 2, !rankMort hello
Basically the bot will ignore any extended input. As mentioned, this is not the default behavior.

Responses look like this:

Successfully added command alias for `!rankmini` to `!rank #VPU8G`.